Dylan DiPalma IT201-018 Project 4

This project adds a menu where a user can choose one of the three projects to play, see a description and thumbnail of each, and return to the menu by pressing ESC in any game. This iteration also cleans up the organization of the assets directory (by putting prefabs in their own folder and separating the scripts for each project) and cleans up code by adding descriptive comments and fixing a few bugs.


Features: All features in this project are listed below:

  1. Feature 1: Display mouse position and button states as text
    1. Input: Mouse location and button states
    2. Output: Text is displayed at the top of the screen showing mouse position and which mouse buttons are currently pressed
  2. Feature 2: Shoot projectile
    1. Input: Mouse left-click
    2. Output: An object is spawned where the mouse is clicked and moves forward at a given speed
  3. Feature 3: Change projectile
    1. Input: Dropdown menu
    2. Output: The selected option sets the shape of the projectile to be shot
  4. Feature 4: Change speed
    1. Input: Slider
    2. Output: The speed of the projectiles will be set to the value of the slider
  5. Feature 5: UI background color change
    1. Input: Left click on UI background
    2. Output: Semi-transparent background cycles between a series of colors
  6. Feature 6: Countdown Timer
    1. Input: Current game time
    2. Output: Stopwatch-style timer that counts down 30 seconds
  7. Feature 7: Target spawning
    1. Input: Current running game time, round number
    2. Output: A new target cube with an emissive material, movement direction, and speed is spawned
  8. Feature 8: Score
    1. Input: Projectile colliding with target and amount of time projectile was moving
    2. Output: Adding points to the score and changing the Score text to display the new score
  9. Feature 9: Scattershot
    1. Input: Right click
    2. Output: If scattershot hasn't been used yet, a cluster of smaller projectiles is shot out
  10. Feature 10: Choose a shooter
    1. Input: UI dropdown menu
    2. Output: The chosen shooter prefab is spawned and follows the cursor (slingshot or blaster)
  11. Feature 11: Target animations
    1. Input: Keyboard keys 0-3 (and at start)
    2. Output: Targets begin playing the chosen animation (0 = None, 1 (at start) = pulse, 2 = flash, 3 = morph)
  12. Feature 12: Shooter animations
    1. Input: Left or right click
    2. Output: Blaster/slingshot plays a loading/pullback animation when holding button, then plays shooting animation when button is let go. Projectile is shot at the end of this shooting animation
  13. Extra feature 13: Show/hide directions
    1. Input: UI toggle button/checkbox
    2. Output: Shows or hides the directions on the UI sidebar
  14. Extra feature 14: Timer speed up
    1. Input: Hold right click on timer
    2. Output: Timer speed increases to 3x, timer moves faster
Made withUnity