Dylan DiPalma - IT201-018 - Project 1

Left click: Spawn projectile


  1. Display mouse position and button states as text
    1. Input: Mouse location and button states
    2. Process: Format the information nicely into a string and set the text element’s value
    3. Output: Text is displayed at the top of the screen showing mouse position and which mouse buttons are currently pressed
  2. Shoot projectile
    1. Input: Mouse left-click
    2. Process: Determine mouse position, convert into world coordinates, instantiate selected object type, add ObjectHandler script component, and set chosen projectile speed
    3. Output: An object is spawned where the mouse is clicked and moves forward at a given speed
  3. Change projectile
    1. Input: Dropdown menu
    2. Process: Store the selected option and allow the spawning logic to instantiate that type of object
    3. Output: The selected option sets the shape of the projectile to be shot
  4. Change speed
    1. Input: Slider
    2. Process: Store the slider value and allow the spawning logic to instantiate the projectile with that speed
    3. Output: The speed of the projectiles will be set to the value of the slider
